About Azad High School
Azad High School Kalyana was established in 1995 and it is managed by the private unaided. It is located in rural area. It is located in R.S. Pura block of Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir. The school consists of grades from 1 to 10. The school is co-educational and it has an attached pre-primary section. English is the medium of instruction in the school. This school is approachable by all weather road. In our school academic session starts in April.
Our school has 15 classrooms for instructional purposes. All the classrooms are in good condition. It has 2 other rooms for non-teaching activities. The school has a separate room for Head Master/Teacher. The school has pucca boundary wall. The source of drinking water in the school is hand pumps and it is functional. The school has 2 boys toilet and 2 girls
toilet. The school has a playground. The school has 848 books in its library. The school does not need ramp for disabled children to access classrooms. The school has 4 computers for teaching and learning purposes and all are functional. The school is having a computer aided learning lab. The school does not provide mid-day meal.
Our Vision
AZAD HIGH SCHOOL is a revolutionary thought to answer the various unasked questions and unsolved problems of education. Our efforts is to direct education to idealise the supreme viryues of life which are TRUTH, BEUTY and GOODNESS, far our ancient Rishis, Sages and the great gurus have strived. Discipline is the guiding spirit of the life and most practical feature of mans personality. It is in this spirit that discipline has to be enforced in the life of a student under all circumstances at any cost.
Education must bring PROGRESS both spiritual and material. Progress brings PROSPERITY. Prosperity ultimately leads to PEACE. So education is for progress, prosperity and peace. We endeavour to make the process of education, technically, scientifically, psychologically interesting and methodologically practical.
The mission of this school is to give life and spirit to the theory and practice of Education. As no society can flourish without adopting a standardized educational system, we have that foresight and vision to make education a creative, meaningful and joyful activity, so that our students excel in intellectual, emotional, spiritual, socio-culture and economic persuits. Our concept of education is not mere to achieve high percentage of marks in various examinations but also to develop in our students rational reasoning to make them competitive and to train them for purposeful living.
Aims & Objectives:-
- The main aim of our institute is to educate the young learners of rural area at par with those of developed and well facilitated urban people for a better and responsible citizen ship.
- The school is a co-education institute and will provide education to both the sexes. There is no bar for admission.
- The institution shall impart instructions to the students according to the latest scientific principles of the education including activity method.
- The institute shall try its best to make the character of the country strong by making the bright future of the children physical, active, mentally alert and morally upright.
- It is also the sole aim of the institution to remove the untouchability and make special arrangements for the upliftments of the Schedule caste, backward classes and other people below poverty line.
- The institution shall impart education to the poor children at concession rates/ free of cost as recommended by the Management of the School.
- The brilliant and outstanding students of every field will be awarded annually or during the Annual Day of the Institution.